Sunday, November 28, 2010
How "The Sims" turned me into a home wrecker - Life stories -
There was nothing I could do to slow down time. So, in an effort to distract myself from the dreaded birthday countdown, I picked up a habit I hadn't dabbled in for years.
I started to play video games."
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Grown Up but Irresponsible
THEY have sex with friends, acquaintances and people they’re casually dating. Many have never been tested for H.I.V. or any other sexually transmitted disease, but they rarely use condoms. Who are they?The irresponsible scoundrels are not teenagers but 50-something singles, according to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, one of the most comprehensive national sex studies in almost 20 years, carried out at the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University.
It turns out that “friends with benefits” — a sexual partner who is “just a friend,” and neither a soulmate nor a romantic interest — isn’t just for teenagers and college students anymore, and maybe it never was. Young adults may have given the practice a new name, but it probably started during the ’60s sexual revolution, when the middle-aged Americans of today were young themselves.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Emotional Affair: The difference between an Emotional and Physical Affair
Question: What Is The Difference Between An Emotional Affair And A Physical Affair? traditional definition of cheating is that one person in a committed relationship is physically involved with someone other than his/her spouse. In recent years, cheating has been reclassified to include not only the physical affair but, also, the emotional affair.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Is infidelity natural? Ask the apes
(CNN) -- In recent weeks, a series of CNN articles have appeared purporting to get to the bottom of male infidelity. "Men More Likely to Cheat on Women With Bigger Paychecks," one headline informs us; yet in the body of the article we are told that the opposite is true as well: "A man who makes significantly more money than his girlfriend or wife is also more likely to cheat."
It's a bit bewildering, keeping track of all the things that could cause a man to be unfaithful. Earn too much and he might cheat, but earn too little and he might cheat then, too.
Association is not the same as causality, but news outlets have latched on to this anyway as the reason actress Sandra Bullock was betrayed; high-and-low-earning ladies everywhere had better beware.
This article and others like it that surface in the media every so often amount to something of a cottage industry in the justification of male infidelity. Scratch the surface of any of them and you get a phenomenon of male entitlement that is oddly abetted by some women.
For example, if you thought that the man himself had anything to do with it, former "sugarbabe" and mistress Holly Hill explains otherwise in an article that ran a few weeks ago: "Men are hardwired to betray women on the long-term." In this view, man is but a victim of faulty "wiring" -- although the wires evidently worked well enough to fund her "sugarbabe" business.
Monday, August 30, 2010
How Sex Hurts the Workplace, Especially Women
Sex in the workplace doesn't just hurt those parties involved. Sure, Mark Hurd's recent scandal produced three obvious casualties: Mark Hurd, Hewlett Packard and its shareholders, and even, to an extent, Jodie Fisher. But in the barrage of press attention since the news broke, little mention has been made of a large group of other casualties: high-achieving female executives.
Women's careers tend to stall out in upper-middle management and female executives need the support and sponsorship of C-suite men if they are to stand a chance of climbing the highest rungs of the corporate ladder. Sad to say, in the wake of the Hurd ouster, sponsorship is going to be in even shorter supply. However tangled the Hurd/Fisher narrative becomes, a large proportion of male leaders who read the story will have one and only one takeaway: "Poor guy was fired for dining alone with a junior woman. No one is even alleging a sexual relationship. How crazy is that! It makes me want to avoid ever being alone with a younger female colleague." So said one C-suite male I talked to.
All of which puts a crimp on sponsorship, a relationship which requires a senior executive to "use up chips" to help a high potential mid-level executive gain visibility, win plum assignments, and eventually get promoted. To take on a protégée — a serious commitment — a sponsor needs to get to know the candidate well and spend a significant time one-on-one (possibly even having dinner!) in order to assess his or her potential and decide whether he or she is worth backing.
Research out this fall from the Center for Work-Life Policy shows sponsorship to be the critical promotional lever for women in the marzipan layer, the layer just below the top layer of management. No matter how high achieving, an upper middle-level female executive will fail to find career traction unless she is sponsored by a powerful senior executive — who, more often than not, is male and married.
High Flying Women lie about Sex Too
What’s a girl to do? According to new research, men are more likely to be unfaithful if their wives are high-fliers – so maybe your marriage will be safer if you stay at home and bring up the children.
Except, unfortunately, that sounds like even less fun: although women who are financially dependent on their husbands are not likely to cheat, their highly paid spouses still tend to stray.
“At one end of the spectrum, making less money than a female partner may threaten men’s gender identity by calling into question the traditional notion of men as breadwinners,” reckons Christin Munsch, author of The Effect of Relative Income Disparity on Infidelity for Men and Women. “At the other end of the spectrum, men who make a lot more money than their partners may be in jobs that offer more opportunities for cheating, like long working hours, [and] travel.”
It turns out that the best bet for women hoping to ensure their husbands’ fidelity is to make roughly 75 per cent of their partner’s earnings. I can see exactly why this would work: it’s enough to allow the woman to feel financially independent – and for her husband to understand that to be the case – but not enough for the man to feel that his masculinity is impugned.
Luckily, it is indeed often the case that husbands make a bit more than their working wives – a few years on what Americans call “the Mommy track” often depresses women’s earnings, even for couples with roughly parallel careers.
But these things are hard to plan, particularly since many of us meet our future spouses at university or in the first few years of our working lives. At that point, a decision that one or other partner will be the main breadwinner seems more straightforward.
Munsch’s assumption is that men’s confidence comes under threat if their wives earn substantially more then they do, whereas it is socially acceptable for women to be supported by their husbands. There is doubtless a lot of truth to that – but there may be other explanations for her results.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Female Sex Tourism Hot Spots
Global tourism and the sex trade have made the world "a gigantic theme park", it has been said. That picture apparently applies to tourists of both genders. Female sex tourism (or "romance travel", as some call it) goes on everywhere from the Gambia to the Holyland, for primal reasons.
"I totally understand why more and more British single women like me are going on holiday looking for sex," corporate head-hunter Nicky Jardine told the UK's Daily Mail in a 2008 story about female sex tourism. "It's the easiest thing in the world to pick up a young, handsome guy who will tell you you are beautiful and make passionate love to you," said Jardine.
Some exotic gigolos will do much more than that, according to the author of a book that addresses the "revolution in mate selection", Jeannette Belliveau. "If you go on vacation, if the guy has all the time in the world to borrow a boat and show you the starfish in the lagoon, and talk to you afterwards and have a meal, and rub your back, he's a more attractive mate," Belliveau told Globalpost in April this year.
In the past [2006 Observer], Belliveau has slammed anyone who thinks that adventurous women should not date outside their race or economic group. According to Belliveau, critics who take that line are like members of the British far-right National Front party.
Her anger underlines just how much bad blood that female sex tourism generates. She was, she claims, smeared by a British tabloid that depicted her as a reactionary who saw exotic gigolos as "sexual conmen".
No wonder the female sex tourism scene is so secretive. Few except zealous opponents care to discuss the subject. For a suggestive peek behind the curtain, read our guide to destinations that lure female tourists in search of steamy flings with "tour guides".
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Joy Behar: Letting Men Cheat
BEHAR: Men like to cheat on their taxes, on their golf scores, on their wives. And most cheating husbands eventually become ex-husbands. But what if allowing your man to stray could save a relationship instead of destroy it?
Enter the concept of negotiated infidelity. Basically it`s cheating with rules. Here to discuss the controversial topic are Stephen A. Smith, nationally syndicated Fox Sports radio host; Noel Biderman, founder and president of a Web site that encourages extra marital affairs; and Diana Falzone, relationship expert; and by phone from Australia, Holly Hill, author of "Sugarbabe" and the woman behind this theory.
Holly, you`re on the phone, let me start with you. This is your idea, negotiated infidelity. Now most relationships are based on monogamy. You recommend the opposite, why do you do that?
HOLLY HILL, AUTHOR, "SUGARBABE" (via telephone): Well, negotiated infidelity is about accepting the biology of men and women and using it to work for your relationship rather than against your relationship. I have a little saying, bashing your head against brick walls becomes self- mutilation after a while and that`s really what`s happened to our marriages over the last couple of hundred years, because we have a 50 percent divorce rate.
What this is about is changing the recipe. And it`s about -- really to use an analogy -- walking the dog on a leash rather than letting it escape through a hole in the back fence. And it`s about women taking control of their men`s sexual urges and if a woman needs to cross her legs for any reason, she provides alternatives to her partner so that he isn`t inclined to go out and cheat on her.
And this way, the woman maintains control. And he`s happy and we don`t have a 50 percent divorce rate any more.
Monday, August 9, 2010
HP's Mark Hurd and Jodie Fisher: When workplace flirtation goes bad...
As most readers know by now, Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark Hurd was ousted last week because of ethics violations stemming from a relationship with actress Jodie Fisher. H-P said its board determined that Mr. Hurd didn’t violate H-P’s sexual harassment policy and Ms. Fisher said that the two “never had an affair or intimate sexual relationship.”
Still, the fracas serves as a reminder that office relationships can be fraught with landmines. Even strong flirtations among co-workers that don’t culminate into full-blown affairs can have real and serious consequences — and can change the mood and equilibrium of the office. For one, it can be tough for other co-workers to concentrate when two colleagues are engaging in flirty banter or making googly eyes at each other. And if feelings change or aren’t fully reciprocated within the couple, then office tensions can run high.
Of course, many workers have taken office flirtations to the next level: A 2009 survey of more than 8,000 U.S. employees found that 40% have dated a coworker.
With so much potentially at stake, why do so many people continue to pursue these relationships? The romantic in me likes to think that maybe true love is at stake and that the couple carefully weighed the consequences and decided to go for it. I do know of several couples who met at work, kept their romance out of sight at the office, and have ended up getting married, with no damage to their reputations or careers.
Read More via the WSJ
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Ask Amy: Affair with Wife's Closest Friend
DEAR AMY: Almost seven years ago, my wife of 24 years learned that I had a 10-year affair with her closest friend. I had ended that relationship, but then I had a two-year affair with another friend of hers.
(Affair partner No. 1 exposed my second affair to my wife.)
I moved out, my wife divorced me and our two grown kids were traumatized and disappointed in me, but chose to see that I was horribly ashamed of my behavior and forgave me.
My former wife and I continued in therapy with the hopes of reconciliation. We are now living together.
My commitment to her and our family is certain. I live with shame for what I did and how it affected many lives. My former wife will not go to social events if she might see the women who betrayed her.
We have not seen the other couples in several years. My ex-wife's pain from these traumas is always just below the surface, and I hear about my affairs again and again.
I love her, but I am tiring of hearing about my actions, which traumatized me too
Is full reconciliation impossible? I can't take back 12 years of adultery, but I want a future with the woman I loved all along. -- Now, True Blue
DEAR NOW: It is possible for your wife to forgive you and yet not be able to forget.
Remember that she was betrayed not only by you, repeatedly, but by two friends. That's a lot to get over.
It is exceptionally hostile for you to choose to be unfaithful to your wife with her friends. I can only hope that in addition to atoning for your own actions, you have also at least attempted to understand them.
I believe that full reconciliation is possible, but your wife may not want to reconcile -- or she might be ambivalent. (I would not be ambivalent.)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Father of the Year Award Revoked: Affair
Former Australian cricketer Dean Jones has been stripped of the Victorian Father of the Year award after he admitted bearing an illegitimate child with an air hostess.
Jones confessed having a son with airhostess Kerri-Anne Hamilton.
The decision came after the 49-year-old legend cricket revealed he had a nine year affair with Sydney flight attendant Hamilton and had a child with her he has never seen.
Father of the Year Council president Don Parsons said that the award was revoked after Jones' shocking admission.
"From now on, 2007 will simply show as blank - that's our attitude," quoted Parsons as saying.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Affair leads to Murder in PA
The crime that police described sounded as though it were ripped from the pages of a pulp-fiction novel.
A suburban mother, stuck in an unsatisfying marriage, takes up with a young worker at her husband's landscaping company.
Secretly, they plot her husband's murder. The young laborer tries to poison his boss' lemonade, then beats him with a shovel before burying the body in a field. The woman tells everyone her husband simply left. The paramours plant diversions: She signs on to Facebook and changes his profile. The lover sends her phony texts from the dead man's phone. But the questions build. First from relatives. Then from police. So does the pressure.
Their plan unraveled Friday, Chester County authorities said, when 34-year-old Morgan Marie Mengel admitted to conspiring to kill Kevin Mengel Jr., 33, the father of her three children, and told them where to find his body.
But Morgan Mengel wasn't happy, she told police, according to an affidavit from West Goshen Detective David Maurer.
She said she and Shappell began their affair in March. Weeks later, they hatched their scheme - "so they could be together," according to the affidavit.
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Watch sports videos you won't find anywhere else
Well, it looks as though there was no way for this to end anything but badly. The landscaper guy was 21, the lady at 34 with three kids.
From the standpoint of the original marriage: They were married when she was 22 and he was 21, probably too young. She filed for divorce in 2004 but then withdrew the petition after that, that would have made her about 27 or 28....
The couple worked together on the landscaping business, had three kids..... no talk of education..
So, you can see this frustrated suburban mom, stuck in this landscaping business, it would be pretty easy to have financial trouble, although the article does not suggest it.... you could see depression or mental illness being the root cause.....
She grasps on to some young landscaper, a partier, as a link to her fading youth....
But who hatched the murder plot.... and which one of them had the thought disorder....that thought they could murder this guy, send texts out, update is facebook page..... there are so many questions.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Is Infidelity Always Bad for a Marriage?
Infidelity is always bad for a marriage, right? Not necessarily, according to Esther Perel, who challenges conventional wisdom about marriage and sex in her controversial book Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic. Babble spoke with the New York-based therapist about the changing notions of infidelity — especially online — and what it means for parents in particular.
What misconceptions do people have about infidelity?
People assume that having affairs points to a flaw in the marriage and that it's a symptom of something gone awry, that if the relationship was fine, this wouldn't happen. But there are multiple meanings and motives for infidelity. Some of them are the consequence of dissatisfied or even abusive situations and bad relationships. But there are a host of infidelities that have nothing to do with the relationship. The majority of adulterers are reasonably happy in their marriages.
Why do parents, in particular, seek sex outside of marriage?
One of the things that defines modern couplehood is that we believe there is one relationship for everything and that one person is going to give you what an entire village used to provide. In marriage, we've always wanted to have children and a family life, to have companionship and economic support, and, on top of it, we also want the same person who gives us all that to give us a sense of mystery and excitement and novelty that will help us cross over the mundane and the ordinary.
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Friday, June 18, 2010
Tips to Spot a Cheater
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Depression and Hypersexuality
I thought of this conversation the other day when I bumped into this forum thread:
and there is a lot of literature associating depression and bipolar disorder with hypersexuality.....
In this article, there is reference to hypersexuality being a side effect of some of the treatment for Parkinson's...
What I'm saying here is: There may be some other really compelling reason that a person might feel driven to go out and find some physical gratification outside the home....
In my limited experience a lot of these people also have a precipitating event: death, family crisis, other trauma, which might trigger some level of depression.... either the depression itself or the drugs used to treat it are not unheard of to cause a change in sex drive.....and it is pretty clear where this might lead....
Re: Rules for Husbands
1. Yeah, flowers=love. You work for years and years, taking crap from a halfwit boss, dealing with office politics, and having your brain and body slowly turn into styrofoam trying to put your woman in a house that she can be proud of, you have a fleet of cars in your driveway for her and the kids, you put a big screen TV in her living room and a nice big couch where she can plop down on her wide tail with the remote and watch Oprah talk about how easy men have it, and if you don't buy flowers, it means you don't love her. I get it.
2. Date night: On the way out the door, she said "are you really wearing that?", She complained about the nice, paid for, low mileage car that I am driving, which, I might add, I drive so that I can afford to let her drive the nice one.. She complained about the traffic. She complained about the restaurant being too cold. The food was too spicy. The entertainment was not very good. Yawn, I'm about ready to go home..... Well, it was a real pleasure for me too, miss sunshine..... It's encouragement like that that makes me look forward to every date night.
3. Fat ass: Well, I have no use personally for anyone who calls his wife fatass, but if she puts on her Freshman 15, and then on another 75 popping out your second kid, and then keeps it on for 25 years, while you are at the gym or running trying to stay in some kind of shape, there ought to be some way to communicate to your significant other that she got a little flabby....and really ought to do something about it, rather than sit around and talk about how comfortable she is in her skin, and calling herself a BBW.....
4. D and V, I will have to remember that one. I think it's about 50/50 personally.
5. Sex? Overrated? After 40? Well it all comes down to the partner of course. It is probably true that the male reaches his peak at 18, it's also true that a fit male can still functioning perfectly normally about 10 years longer at the other end of life..... Problem: If you are nagged like a 6-year old during the day, it's hard to act like the stud you are at night.....
6. Menopause? I think that's from the Greek.... meaning "just lay there for a few minutes and it'll be over with before you know it".....
7. Walking fast in public..... I have to say I find myself doing this all the time, being the marathoner, triathloner and weightlifter that I am, but I am always a bit entertained about how long it takes the woman to get into and also out of the car ref: Item 3 above. I suppose it takes awhile to get moving. There's a solution, of course....cut down on the Rocky Road and you will be a little speedier.
8. Cooking.... where to start on this one: best to just let it lie. Not all men are incompetent, boring cooks..... and not all women are brilliant at it either. My main gripe: Me: When is dinner: Her: Six. Me: Okay. I go out for an hour, come back in at 6: Me; Where is dinner: Her: Haven't started it yet. Me: Why? Her: I did not think you would show up at 6. I can start it now. Me: I thought you said it is going to be at 6. Her: Yes.
9. Mixed Messages/Special Occasions: Well, throughout the first 6000 years of human history it was pretty special for a woman to be treated to a nice roof over her head, and some food in the place, and in the modern era, the rest of the package, per the above...It used to be and still is common in some cultures for them to be smacked around a bit for stepping out of line. Around these parts, just a century ago, it was the "barefoot and pregnant" theory.... they were one notch up from property, not even sometimes......So here we are in the modern day, of course we expect a little bit of contribution, but we are still pretty far from "I am woman hear me roar" where everything is completely equal......In either case... I suppose the 364 days of being treated in a way that for women, is the best in human history, is not quite enough to offset the occasional missed birthday or other invention of the Hallmark company or the Rose Grower's association that causes me to feel obligated to go out and buy something to convey my affection. Sorry about that. I'll do better next year.
10. What if the rules don't work? Well, I suppose there are options. To tell the honest truth, I think that once the kids get out the door, marriage ought to be a 1-year option, like it is in the NBA.... If the wife did not want to be dumped in favor of a stripper, she'd stay in shape, treat you like a man, be thankful for the work he did to get you to that point, and be a little better partner. It would do a world of good for the men too. Too many of them are fatass know it alls, with erectile dysfunction and sleep apnea, a lot of that stuff is also caused by being out of shape. If you knew you were likely to get dumped at the end of the year you might try a little harder. At a certain point in her life, a lot of women put up with crap from men because they think they have to, not because they want to..... maybe not so much for the men. Either way, if you had to go to some effort to re-attract your spouse, could you? .....Either way there are alternatives....
Monday, May 24, 2010
Rules for Husbands
Follow these simple rules for a happy marriage! Easy as pie...remember though don't get discouraged if it isn't effective the first or fifth year of marriage, keep at it and be persistent...eventually it will pay off.
1. From day one of marriage, (contrary to popular belief) never send your wife flowers. Doing so can cause a woman to become harsh and mean. She will eventually evolve to expect this behaviour once every couple months and this is not good for obvious reasons. $ on flowers = less $ on beer. **Note: At all costs, avoid sending your wife flowers at work. Showing them off to friends(especially friends at work with flowers on their desk) will create a very hateful wife.
2. Avoid any opportunity to have a date with your wife, especially a date where there is a PDA. (public display of affection) PDA + date= bitch.
3. No matter your attractiveness or the size and shape of your wife, call her a fat ass at any given opportunity. Early morning hours work best. Women love this. She will be running up to you in a matter of minutes to hug and kiss you as a reward. You may find at first in following this rule your wife will want to run out in rebellion and eat something really fattening like a hot fudge sundae or burrito. Ignore this and continue on until you get your hugs and kisses as a reward.
4. Always remember the D and V rule....having a dick makes you right, having a vagina makes you wrong. This applies in ALL circumstances. Make sure you let your wife know how much you love her by living by this rule. You will reap the rewards....
5. Sex is overrated, at least when you hit 40 it is. You see, men go through their sexual peak at age 18, women between 32 and 38. But sex isn't important to women, just a certain age that is. Us men have already hit our peak and climbed it well, and often...remember when you were 18-25...I do. That was fun, but over now. Whether your wife is 20 or 30, remember accommodating her at this time of her life will make her feel weak and therefore she will turn nasty in a heartbeat. You see she will get mood swings when she gets too much sex. This can't be explained here... until you live the mood swings, you will just have to take my word for it. Withhold and ignore.
6. At some point in your marriage your wife will enter a stage of "menopause" OR she will enter a stage in her life where her hormones become...shall we say "out of whack?" Anyway, this is due to various reasons. If you want to know and familiarize yourself with them, you can find loads of info on Google. I always say, "hormones, smourmones." Your wife really doesn't want to fall prey to hormones and be miserable and irritable, so ignore the problem, call her a bitch, often. Eventually, and I say eventually, the hormones will straighten out. Don't show any concern though or extra attention, especially disobeying rules 1-5. Doing so will cause unwanted irritability.
7. While in public walk really fast and stay steadily paced ahead of your wife. Show your embarrassment to be seen with her. Never introduce her to anyone you know should you run into such a person. This technique dates back to the early ages or even several middle eastern countries this present day and has had proven effectiveness in a long, healthy marriage.
8. Cooking for your wife always keeps her happy. Most women LOVE hamburgers, so cook them often. Especially important: never cook anything she would choose herself.
9. Remember, women love mixed messages. There are two ways to handle special occasions, completely forget or refer to rule 3 and then every time a gift occasion comes up,(Christmas, birthdays, Valentines Day or anniversaries) buy her a 5lb box of chocolates or take her to an all you can eat buffet. She will probably eat mostly salad, so when she gets a bite of real food say something like, " You are gonna eat all that?" She won't be able to keep her hands off of you. Have a fun ride home!
10. Rule number 10, probably should be rule 1, but it makes a better finish. Be very cautious and watch for signs that these rules aren't working for you. My technique works 90 % of the time, (refer to rule 4) but if you happened to be one of the rare 10% of men who did not get lucky enough to marry a cave woman, following these rules could have detrimental effects. If at any time during the first several years you see opposite results, stop and reverse the rules. Continue on reversed rules. The effects shouldn't shouldn't take too long to diminish. If they don't diminish in 4 weeks, threaten physical violence.
Good Luck and Happy Marriage!!!
"The Happy Husband"
***Three marriages strong, I speak from experience!!! It works!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Jenny and Dr. Phil
So what's the story. This is purely conjecture, of course.
First of all, it is clear that Jenny is the brains of the gang.
You can envision a conversation, laying on a college lawn somewhere, with Mark Sanford. Sanford, Mr. Congenial Frat Boy with a political pedigree, Jenny, the brains of the gang, perfectly willing to ride her famous husband's coat tails up to the Presidency, and if not that, as high as possible...
So they go to work, Jenny leaves her job as VP of a Virginia law firm, and becomes Sanford's wife/advisor. She pops out the requisite kids (five, so as to impress the right to lifers) she looks good in the photo ops, and behind the scenes she is the chief of staff, and everything else as he gets his career off the ground, first in the US congress, then as governor. As a Republican from a southern state, he touches all of the requisite bases, goes to the prayer meetings and everything else he needs to do to tap into the resources of the Bob Jones set.....
The rest of the story is pretty well known. Sanford takes a boondoggle trip to Argentina, and falls for a local TV reporter, they begin the affair, he takes off in the middle of everything last summer, disappears, and later admits the whole thing, giving Jon Stewart more opportunities.
Since then Jenny dumps him, both are now dating, he has recently had another meeting with her in Key West.....
So what happened?
Is it not clear that those two formed an alliance, early in their lives which satisfied the needs of both? Mark needed a strong partner/brains, and she needed a way to catapult into a position of power. The model for this type of relationship is Bill and Hillary, and it is clear of course that exactly the same outcome happened......
But what Mark needed when he was a young man was quite different from what he needed as a middle aged man. He needed someone to laugh and play with, to admire him, to tell him he was sexy. Possibly someone just a bit less intense. Someone who would giggle at his jokes. Was Jenny going to do that? My guess is, just looking at her interview, was that she was pretty intense. Just speculation, but you can see a situation where he could have even been infantilized: She is used to bossing around those five boys, Sanford was the sixth. Probably ticked him off......
So, when he got the opportunity, he took it.
Now, was that fair to Jenny? First of all, she is bright, and the fame caused by this incident has launched her into a potential career of her own..... She bought into the strategy, knowing in her heart that particularly as a Republican it is potentially easier to get into a position of power in this way rather than shake hands at barbecues for decades like a man would have to. So, it was 95 percent calculating..
Chances are Mark, being congenial, was hesitant to have the heart to heart talk that they needed to have to fix the problem. Not much time for intimacy if you are a governor.
As to what Sanford actually did, run off to see the chick in Argentina, this was spectacularly stupid. He'd have been much better off trying to find a local trusted partner, could have kept the whole thing under wraps better, and would have been much better off. Possibly Jenny would have let the whole thing go on, a la Hillary, if it was potentially helpful to their joint careers....
So that's the story. What was a successful partnership early in their careers had gaps, Mark was not getting what he needed at home, and the rest, as they say, is for Dr. Phil to figure out.
What to do when you know your best friend is cheating...
It depends on the friend...
Sometimes, cheating is not a sign of strength, it is a sign of weakness. Someone is not getting what they need out of their relationship, they cannot, for one reason or another get what they need from the other spouse and in a lot of these cases, they give up and go elsewhere. It's a sign of desperation.
They can't or won't leave the relationship for some reason, possibly economic, so it is possible that the person feels trapped.
It is also possible that the other person in the relationship has undergone some change. You have no idea what is going on behind closed doors.
So to shun a "friend" as totally untrustworthy, for having this affair, without completely understanding whether or not it is out of character, and not placing yourself in their shoes, is a rush to judgment.
It is quite possible that this friend is in pain and instead needs a little support.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Rielle and Oprah
After further consideration of this, here is what Rielle appears to be thinking:
a. I had a chance to be First Lady.
b. I really did love John, and still do, and he was not just out to get laid. He was genuinely going to sweep me away and carry me into the Inauguration Ball.
c. Elizabeth is not my problem.
d. At this point, I need to establish some type of career. The posing in my undies in GQ was a start. Now Oprah will raise me a bit in name recognition, I might be able to land some nice gig in a reality show. It works for Kate Gosselin.
e. All of this concealer and other makeup that I am wearing makes it difficult to speak.
Here is what John is thinking:
a. I thought I could get away with it.
b. I was close to being President. I do need to get a job.
c. What was I thinking, re: the Sex Tape? Well, it seemed like fun at the time, and Elizabeth is soooo frumpy.
d. Gotta practice my "looking sorry" for the deposition this week.
e. This is going to be expensive too. Gotta support the spawn, gotta keep Rielle under control..still gotta take care of Elizabeth. Luckily there are 7-figure salaries to be made as bank lobbyists right now, not to mention trial lawyer lobbyists, so I can probably earn a living despite the fact that I have done nothing for 20 years except run for president.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How to Lose your Husband
1. Gain about 75 pounds when you have your second kid, and don't take it off for 25 years. When your husband tries to bring up the subject, chuckle about it and talk about how comfortable you are in your own skin, etc. etc.
2. Be laying in bed every morning when he gets up before dawn to go to work to his half-assed dead end job, be sitting on the couch every night watching Dr. Phil when he gets home. Extra bonus points: When he leans over to kiss you goodbye, ask him "are you really wearing THAT?" so as to crush his confidence just a little bit as he steps out the door.
3. In light of (2) above, complain about money. Ask him why you do not have the nice things your friends do, go on cruises, etc. Extra points if you have a Master's Degree and are working less than 20 hours a week yourself.
4. In light of (3) above, whenever he get a chance for advancement, or relocation, or has to work a little extra, whine about it, do not support his decision, and refuse to change what you have.
5. Reverse Cheerleading: Whenever he starts on a project, tell him "you will fail". Whenever he succeeds, tell him "you got lucky. You will fail next time."
When he fails, say "I knew you would fail"
6. Show up to bed wearing one of those Christmas sweaters with all of the beads and teddy bears glued to it. If he tries to be intimate, stop in the middle of everything to put the dog on the bed. If the phone rings, answer it.
7. If he gets laid off, start cutting out want ads from the paper and lay them on his desk every morning. It will be a daily reminder that he is a failure, and crush him just a little bit more. Extra bonus points if you never cut a want ad out for yourself, never submit a resume, never go to an interview, and when he does finally get a job, additional bonus points if you complain because it does not pay enough. Extra bonus points if you have a Master's Degree. If there is one time in his life that he needs a friend, be sure not to be it.
8. Never, Never, Never give him the idea that he might be attractive to women. If he tries to lose weight, buy a bowl of candy and put it on the counter. If he joins a gym, starts running, or otherwise works out, tell him to stop. He needs that voice in his head to tell him to give up. If he starts combing his hair differently, wearing deodorant, and getting some tight jeans that will fit, laugh at him.
9. Kill his social life. Do not allow him to have friends. If he goes out without you, complain. If it looks like he is having fun, look down your nose at him. Extra points if you go to book club, bunco, and Ladies Night out yourself at least once a month.
10. Always pick the movie. Always pick the TV show. Always pick the restaurant. If he does suggest something, once a year, agree, and then complain about absolutely everything that happens all night, including how you do not like the car he drives, the clothes he is wearing, or anything else. This will crush his confidence and discourage him from initiating anything for the next year. Never say anything positive. This goes double for anything related to (6) above.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Ben and the TV ratings
Goodell and his TV consultant made the calculation: How can we use this to attract the biggest TV audience possible? Bring him back just in time for them to play the defending super bowl champs. Would have been probably the highest rated evening game of the year anyway because of the Steelers' national popularity, but now, it has a chance to be the record NFL night game for TV audience. The alternatives, a few weeks before and after, the "punishment" would have been roughly as severe, but the benefit to the league from the standpoint of all of the publicity would have been less...
So Bravo to them for what looks like a pretty solid business plan.
As to the moral outrage, if they had been really serious, they would have thrown him out of the league permanently, thus serving as an example for others.... there are plenty of pigs and thugs now playing in the NFL... the last several years there have been shootings and plenty of other incidents....
As it is, they can use this to enhance the soap-opera quality of their product, attract viewers (Ben haters) that would otherwise ignore it, and use it to enhance their revenue....This is almost a WWE-type scenario, I believe. Life imitating art once again
Friday, April 16, 2010
Why is Larry King so popular with Women?
Knockout women, too....
"Larry is hot!" Joy Behar said on Thursday's "The View." "He's a sex machine, OK? It's running on kerosene, but still."
There must be something about Larry King that draws in beautiful women because he definitely dates lookers. In the past, he has been connected to Angie Dickinson and beauty queen Rama Fox.
"My mother in law made me realize that this guy had something that women found very attractive," Paul Levinson, a professor of communications and media studies at Fordham University, told "She listened to him religiously in the early '80s before he had a television show. She would stay up all night just listening to him on the radio."
So many questions: First of all, he is rich and generous. Is that enough? He makes his living interviewing the most famous people in the world, so you know he is at ease with absolutely anybody, that can have its advantages since, as we all know, confidence is very attractive to women. He obviously has the knack of getting people to talk about themselves, which we all know that women like. The sex? my guess is that it is not just that. It's the whole Larry King experience. Anyone with some insight please feel free to contribute.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Big Ben Awaits his Fine;_ylt=AhmDLdlXgDSnKG0GzCl9SNZDubYF?slug=ap-goodell-roethlisbergerPITTSBURGH (AP)—NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says he will decide soon whether to punish Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger(notes) for his off-the-field troubles.
“I think he understands how important the personal-conduct policy is to the NFL,” Goodell said while attending a dinner honoring Steelers chairman Dan Rooney on Wednesday night. “And I hope he has a better understanding of how important it is for everybody in the league.
So your two time super bowl winner, who otherwise might end up in the hall of fame, is in a heap of trouble. There are several questions:
First, if Ben was black, would his treatment be any different.
Secondly, if Ben was a second stringer on a bad team, rather than starter on one of the most widely followed teams, would his treatment be any different?
There was no doubt a business transaction involved between Ben, Ben's agent, and the drunk Milledgeville chick that was involved. She appears to have hit the lottery.... cry rape, get a can possibly become famous later on, if you are lucky. So, this is a no-lose situation for her.
For the league, they have no other choice than to make some kind of gesture to penalize him. They have to have the appearance of not condoning this kind of activity but secretly they know that this is entertainment and there is no such thing as bad publicity. So ultimately, they will be just fine.
For Ben: Ben is another adrenaline junkie, just as surely as Tiger Woods is.... What do you do for excitement when you are 27-ish and have already won a couple of super bowls, particularly since they will not let you operate your motorcycle anymore...His problem is, he aimed his sights too low.... He can afford higher-class company rather than some drunk bar chick in a low end college town in a low-end state. That's his real mistake, isn't it?
Monday, April 12, 2010
There are no losers....
The numbers are in, and Tiger was a big success. The TV ratings were up 47 percent, and so despite being a little distracted, everyone is a winner. The PGA is delighted, the TV network is delighted, and Nike is brilliant despite a little maringally sleazy advertising featuring Tiger's dad....
Even the little Swedish chick is a winner.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Bruce Springsteen/Ann Kelly
A New Jersey businessman who accused his wife of having an affair with Bruce Springsteen has settled the estranged couple's divorce battle. Arthur Kelly's claims that his wife Ann "committed adultery" with Springsteen turned his messy divorce into a media event.
Here is a scenario for you. You are a 45 year old housewife, your husband Arthur has put on a lot of weight and gotten a lot more controlling since you were married. This slug spends all of his time on the couch, with his hand stuck down his pants watching reruns of CSI, while you are down at the gym, sweating your butt off, to look just as rockin' as you did when you were 25.
He has all sorts of little medical problems, sleep apnea, hemorrhoids, prostate, a lot of that stuff is just from sitting around and complaining about you. Sex? That's a good one.
So you are down at the gym and this hot older fellow is next to you on the treadmill. You strike up a conversation, maybe you see each other there every few days, you like him and you can see that he likes you. You strike up a bit of a relationship, maybe you do yoga together occasionally, and at some point he says, "have you ever heard of Bruce Springsteen" .....
The point: When are we going to give women the same permission we give men.?If you take care of yourself, and you love sex, which some women do, and you are not getting what you need at home, why not? If she is 45 her kids are maybe in their late teens, you hope they are thinking "way to go, mom"....
New Tiger Mistress Emerges
In the latest Tiger Woods update, there's a new alleged mistress in the Tiger Woods' sex scandal, and the timing couldn't seem stranger. Raychel Coudriet who is Tiger Woods neighbor affair, is the latest woman to come forward. According to the alleged reports, Coudriet and Woods had sex when she was 21 years old in his office, but Woods had known her since she was 14. Coudriet admits to having a "schoolgirl crush" on Woods, but later feeling guilty for sleeping with him. She says when she confronted Tiger recently about this, he apologized for that.
Another comes forward, presumably hoping for a bit of a payday as Tiger is approaching the top of the leaderboard at Augusta
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Isn't this touching?
Isn't this touching? Here is the first step at Nike actually trying to capitalize on this whole mess. Now, all Tiger needs to do is win a tournament or two, and all of the fat executives who buy his gear will get out their wallets.
Does anyone honestly believe that Tiger has changed his stripes in the course of four months? Some people do, evidently.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sandra Bullock and the Sex Tape
Here is my theory about Sandra: She is a bit hung up on the sex thing. She does not go in for the videos, what else does she not go in for? Maybe she dislikes leaving the light on. Maybe she insists the dog be on the bed. Maybe she is a bit conventional for Jesse.
Being in a relationship where there are different sex preferences means that both of the partners are not getting their needs met. If this is the case, the affair thing is not at all shocking, is it?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Schneider and Corley
Thursday, March 18, 2010
So many affairs, so little time....
Michelle "Bombshell" McGee claims she slept with Jesse James for about eleven months, and provides intimate details like his endowment and penchant for not wearing underwear, which has landed the allegations on the cover of In Touch magazine. The magazine trumpets their exclusive, and the press release about the story is below
It just goes to show, some people just can't get enough at home.
Clearly it is only a matter of time for this fellow to get back to golf, he is going to play in the Masters and it is quite likely that the ratings on this show will be among the highest ever...
the fat executive golfers that buy Nike golf gear will continue to do so as long as this fellow is talented.
The little blond Elin will continue to benefit from this system for the rest of her life. She is young, and has her looks.
So, the saga will continue.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Rielle Speaks
RALEIGH, N.C. — The mistress of former presidential candidate John Edwards says she is helping him live "a life of truth" and the two remain in love even after their affair helped trigger his downfall from the pinnacle of U.S. politics.
"Everyone talks about how Johnny has fallen from grace," Rielle Hunter told GQ magazine in an interview released Monday. "In reality, he's fallen to grace." what was the guy thinking not taking care of things from a birth control standpoint.
When it's between you and her it's one thing, but when you are talking about bringing another life into the world, that is completely different.
Pope Benedict
First of all, does anyone besides me think this guy looks just a little bit creepy?
Second of all, are we surprised that now, there are some further things emerging about the activities of this fellow when he was a Bishop in Germany? Come to find out, there was one of these "mystery transfers" of one of these pedophile priests under his watch.
Thirdly, now that there is some talk that the availability of "sex with boys" was actually involved in the decision making of some of these creeps when entering the priesthood?
Fourthly, how long before it comes out that this may have been used as a recruiting tool of some type?
Fifthly: What else do you expect from a cult whose members wear long apart from the rest of society in communes, forsake all of their possessions.... the females consider themselves married to Christ....
Sixthly: Is it not completely obvious that this celebacy vow that they take is the root problem?
Seventhly: If the sleaze goes all the way to the top, and I mean all the way, at what point do they get it to stop? What kind of a purge would it take to get the offenders out of the system? If you are one of the people that whitewashed the thing in the first place, how do you become one of the reformers?
Using a position of moral authority to take advantage of sex with an underage person, regardless of your sense of entitlement, ought to be dealt with by the severest punishment possible.