Friday, April 30, 2010

Rielle and Oprah

After further consideration of this, here is what Rielle appears to be thinking:

a. I had a chance to be First Lady.
b. I really did love John, and still do, and he was not just out to get laid. He was genuinely going to sweep me away and carry me into the Inauguration Ball.
c. Elizabeth is not my problem.
d. At this point, I need to establish some type of career. The posing in my undies in GQ was a start. Now Oprah will raise me a bit in name recognition, I might be able to land some nice gig in a reality show. It works for Kate Gosselin.
e. All of this concealer and other makeup that I am wearing makes it difficult to speak.

Here is what John is thinking:
a. I thought I could get away with it.
b. I was close to being President. I do need to get a job.
c. What was I thinking, re: the Sex Tape? Well, it seemed like fun at the time, and Elizabeth is soooo frumpy.
d. Gotta practice my "looking sorry" for the deposition this week.
e. This is going to be expensive too. Gotta support the spawn, gotta keep Rielle under control..still gotta take care of Elizabeth. Luckily there are 7-figure salaries to be made as bank lobbyists right now, not to mention trial lawyer lobbyists, so I can probably earn a living despite the fact that I have done nothing for 20 years except run for president.

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