Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Affair leads to Murder in PA

The crime that police described sounded as though it were ripped from the pages of a pulp-fiction novel.

A suburban mother, stuck in an unsatisfying marriage, takes up with a young worker at her husband's landscaping company.

Secretly, they plot her husband's murder. The young laborer tries to poison his boss' lemonade, then beats him with a shovel before burying the body in a field. The woman tells everyone her husband simply left. The paramours plant diversions: She signs on to Facebook and changes his profile. The lover sends her phony texts from the dead man's phone. But the questions build. First from relatives. Then from police. So does the pressure.

Their plan unraveled Friday, Chester County authorities said, when 34-year-old Morgan Marie Mengel admitted to conspiring to kill Kevin Mengel Jr., 33, the father of her three children, and told them where to find his body.

But Morgan Mengel wasn't happy, she told police, according to an affidavit from West Goshen Detective David Maurer.

She said she and Shappell began their affair in March. Weeks later, they hatched their scheme - "so they could be together," according to the affidavit.

Read more: http://www.philly.com/inquirer/front_page/20100628_Affair_led_to_husband_s_slaying__Chesco_woman_tells_police.html#ixzz0sEw9bWoR
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Well, it looks as though there was no way for this to end anything but badly. The landscaper guy was 21, the lady at 34 with three kids.

From the standpoint of the original marriage: They were married when she was 22 and he was 21, probably too young. She filed for divorce in 2004 but then withdrew the petition after that, that would have made her about 27 or 28....

The couple worked together on the landscaping business, had three kids..... no talk of education..

So, you can see this frustrated suburban mom, stuck in this landscaping business, it would be pretty easy to have financial trouble, although the article does not suggest it.... you could see depression or mental illness being the root cause.....

She grasps on to some young landscaper, a partier, as a link to her fading youth....

But who hatched the murder plot.... and which one of them had the thought disorder....that thought they could murder this guy, send texts out, update is facebook page..... there are so many questions.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Is Infidelity Always Bad for a Marriage?

Infidelity is always bad for a marriage, right? Not necessarily, according to Esther Perel, who challenges conventional wisdom about marriage and sex in her controversial book Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic. Babble spoke with the New York-based therapist about the changing notions of infidelity — especially online — and what it means for parents in particular.

What misconceptions do people have about infidelity?

People assume that having affairs points to a flaw in the marriage and that it's a symptom of something gone awry, that if the relationship was fine, this wouldn't happen. But there are multiple meanings and motives for infidelity. Some of them are the consequence of dissatisfied or even abusive situations and bad relationships. But there are a host of infidelities that have nothing to do with the relationship. The majority of adulterers are reasonably happy in their marriages.

Why do parents, in particular, seek sex outside of marriage?

One of the things that defines modern couplehood is that we believe there is one relationship for everything and that one person is going to give you what an entire village used to provide. In marriage, we've always wanted to have children and a family life, to have companionship and economic support, and, on top of it, we also want the same person who gives us all that to give us a sense of mystery and excitement and novelty that will help us cross over the mundane and the ordinary.

Read more:


Friday, June 18, 2010

Tips to Spot a Cheater

1 2 3 next >> "He cheated with me.  I mean on me," are the words that clumsily slipped from my lips during my dream-come-true fifteen...

Thursday, June 17, 2010