Sunday, November 28, 2010

How "The Sims" turned me into a home wrecker - Life stories -

How "The Sims" turned me into a home wrecker - Life stories - "When I was younger, I figured I'd have everything together by 30. I would have a stable and rewarding career. A partner I loved and trusted. A quaint little bungalow on a tree-lined street. Maybe even a child. But here I was, rounding the corner to the big three-oh and none of these things were even a blip on the horizon. Sometimes, even finding a matching pair of socks to wear in the morning was a small personal triumph. At 29 and 11/12ths, I felt like less of a grown-up than I did at 25 -- the last time I actually had dental insurance.
There was nothing I could do to slow down time. So, in an effort to distract myself from the dreaded birthday countdown, I picked up a habit I hadn't dabbled in for years.
I started to play video games."